Weds - Fri 5-9.30pm 🍴  Sat / Sun 12-3pm / 5-9.30pm

Vegetables vs Coronavirus

coronavirus in Tibet

Master physician, Yuthok Yönten Gönpo, with thanks to High Peaks Pure Earth and Weibo user Last Classical Man

We were supposed to be heading off to China in two weeks’ time. Yeshi has filled the house with gifts for friends and family to include half the contents of the M&S sale, some binoculars, about twenty pairs of shoes and boots, a blood pressure monitor, and ten pairs of reading glasses, different strengths.

The trip is currently on hold as movement in the region has become heavily restricted due to the ongoing coronavirus situation, but we hope to be able to go later in the year, as our Tibetan cookbook is itching to be written.

For now, most parts of China have closed their doors, and this includes the monasteries and main tourist sites inside Tibet. It is becoming harder to gain access in or out of the region, and blockades and face masks are becoming the norm.

Restaurants are also closed. Back home in the village, home-cooked food remains the primary way for family and friends to maintain good health. Tibetan people always look to improve their diet or to make changes to it before considering the administration of medicine or other therapies. Many vegetables are proven to protect and act as a precaution against disease, and relatives are just doing what they can to stock up.

The delay to our trip is good news for momo fans, as it means that we are extending our pop up run at Silvie (currently Friday nights only, but watch this space for the possible addition of more regular dates) until April. Our market stall in Gloucester Green will also continue until Easter time.

Here’s to good food and good health!

#tastetibet #tibet #coronavirus #vegetables #disease

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