Weds - Fri 5-9.30pm 🍴  Sat / Sun 12-3pm / 5-9.30pm

The Last Silvie Pop-Up… for now

Taste Tibet vegan spread

Collective sigh.

All good things must come to an end, and our current run at Silvie finishes this Thursday 22nd March.

Thank you so much to the people of Oxford for your enthusiasm for our Thursday night pop up. It has been massive! The rooms at Silvie have been full every week of faces that are new to us – people old and young, locals and those who have travelled to us from far away. Even in the snow!

And it has been a real pleasure to feed again (takeaways, mostly) the wonderful people of East Oxford, many of whom used to stop by our house years ago when we ran a makeshift takeout from our own home… We have been totally humbled and quite amazed by everybody’s support and encouragement. Thanks to every one of you.

But stop! Before we blub into our empty bowls, momos are go for the final time this Thursday. Don’t forget to drop by and fill up before we take our break.

The current plan is to return to Silvie for a long run starting September. But if the clamour is loud enough, well, you never know…

And in the meantime, if you love us, please review us! You can find us on TripAdvisor or Facebook. Thank you!

We would also love to hear your suggestions going forwards. What worked? What would you like to see more of? How can we improve on things? We need your feedback so that we can make sure we are giving you what you want. Please leave a comment below, or email us with your ideas.

Finally, find us this week as follows:

Gloucester Green Market

Wednesday, 9am-4pm, Gloucester Green, Oxford OX1 2BU

Taste Tibet @ Silvie

Thursday, 6.30pm-9.30pm, Silvie Bakery Cafe, 281 Iffley Road, Oxford OX4 4AQ

See you soon!

Much love from the TT team x

#tastetibet #tibet #Silvie #popup

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We Are Closed!

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