Weds - Fri 5-9.30pm 🍴  Sat / Sun 12-3pm / 5-9.30pm

Doorways And Carparks We Have Known

We took this picture in Tibet in 2018. Doorways are a spectacular feature of Tibetan architecture, but did you know that they are also considered places of potential danger? The wooden step across the entrance is designed to slow down an intruder, and doorways are often made deliberately low for the same reason.

Some of you came to our door as far back as 2015, when we were running a takeaway out of our kids’ playroom. Now we come to yours! It’s a weird old world.

This Sunday 14th June we are swapping doorways for the car park. Last month the people of Wallingford gave us a spectacularly warm welcome at St. George’s car park, so we will be returning to the same spot for Momo Drop Part II. Here is the drill: you order online, we park up, you form an orderly queue, we unload.

Given that our own new premises are still a way off, this seems like a pretty good way of operating going forwards. If you are out of our delivery radius but are keen to stockpile some momos, can you help us to find a quiet car park near you where we can make a socially distanced food drop? Please let us know! It would help us a great deal if you also could post about it in local groups etc. so that word gets about. Wallingford peeps rounded us up nearly a hundred orders last time around and records look set to be broken this weekend. Friends of Taste Tibet – tell us where you want us and we will make it happen.

It would also be good if you could let us know how long you think you’ll be wanting more of this:

Our home deliveries in Oxford are still going super strong, but as your high street gets busier with more take-out options, will you still want momos at your door? Let us know how we can best serve you! COVID has called on all our powers to adapt, and we are ready to move forwards when you are. We welcome all your thoughts and ideas while we navigate this next period.

This week we are delivering on Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Oxford, and on Sunday in Wallingford only. Click here to order your Taste Tibet treat.

And finally, because it’s such a good one, here’s another doorway from our travels:

Oh and one more! Don’t forget that we are still running this:

You can donate to our Feeding the Frontline initiative here. Thank you!

See you soon! Love from all at Taste Tibet x

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WFH – Tibetan Style

When Yeshi and his brother Nyima arrived home in Tibet one Wednesday morning in April after an absence of 25 and 35 years respectively, a

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Salt, Milk And Some R&R

Yeshi’s recent health scare (thank you all for your concern) has taught us about a medical condition that he had never heard of before, despite

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Losing The Kids

Back in June we quietly celebrated ten years of Taste Tibet. It was just before Glastonbury and we were in the middle of an intense

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The Restaurant is Closed!

We’re away all summer at festivals. The online shop is open but there may be a short delay with dispatch. The restaurant in Oxford will reopen on 06/09/24. Thank you for bearing with us!

We Are Closed!

Our chefs are in Tibet and the restaurant will be closed until 15/05/24. The online shop is open but deliveries will be made after 13/05/24. Thank you for bearing with us and see you soon!