These are troubled times, and this month, the most important festival for Taste Tibet is not Glastonbury, but Saga Dawa, or the “million multiplier” festival. Saga Dawa runs for the entire fourth month of the Tibetan lunar calendar, and Tibetan people believe that everything we do during this auspicious month, whether positive or negative, is multiplied by a million times. And so we give to the poor, we free captive animals, we abstain from eating meat, and so on.
This Friday, June 9, is Saga Dawa Düchen, the most important religious day in the Tibetan Buddhist calendar. On this day, Tibetan people observe the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and entry into nirvana, and we believe that the effects of our actions are multiplied by ten million on this most auspicious day.
There is a lot of talk of prayer at the moment. Terror attacks have reached our shores and there is unease and distress. In Tibet we see Saga Dawa as an opportunity to reflect and to move forwards peacefully and positively. Prayer forms an important part of this. We focus on becoming more respectful, on being more present for others, and on being more generous and kind.
These are certainly worthy commitments. This Friday, whatever news we wake up to (and there will be news!), may we all strive for cohesiveness and calm. And in the spirit of Saga Dawa, try also a day without meat!
On Saturday, we will have all kinds of veg options at our stall at the Jericho Street Fair. This is one of our favourite events in the summer calendar, marking the place where Taste Tibet first started in 2014. Back then we were momos only. This year come by for your usual fix of momos and curry. Meat as well as veg, for those of you for whom one meat-free day is maybe enough!
#tastetibet #tibet #sagadawa #festivals