Weds - Fri 5-9.30pm 🍴  Sat / Sun 12-3pm / 5-9.30pm

TT On TV: We Need You!

Life can throw some pretty surreal moments, and for team Taste Tibet this is surely one of them.

Back in early July we heard that we were finalists in the 2021 BBC Food and Farming Awards. Every year, BBC Radio 4 reaches out to members of the public and asks them to nominate their favourite shop/market/drinks producer and so on, and YOU amazing people nominated Taste Tibet in the Best Street Food or Takeaway category, and got us into the top three in the UK.

And now this means we get to be on TV! This Wednesday the team from BBC1’s Saturday Kitchen are coming to visit us here in east Oxford. They’ll be watching Yeshi in the kitchen and filming all the momos, and sorry if you thought that your heartfelt words at the point of nomination would be the sum total of things because after that they want to talk to you.

If you’ve thought about popping down this week for takeaway or a seat in the sunshine (the forecast finally has it), please consider dropping by on Wednesday. The Saturday Kitchen crew would like to speak to a few of you during early opening hours (at 5.30pm) about what Taste Tibet means to you and why we are worthy winners of the award. Please come and show your support! They’re looking for 2-3 people/couples/groups. If this is you, get in touch and we will tell you more.

Otherwise, if you fancy being a part of the proceedings but would rather eat your meal in peace, just come down from 6pm to help us look good and busy please. Yeshi will be out being the host of the most and we would love to see all your friendly faces.

THANK YOU! Thank you for keeping us going during the worst of times. Thank you for helping us to feed those who need a hot meal most. Thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to support a hugely ambitious small business. Thank you for helping us to get the name of Tibet and its wondrous cuisine out there. Thank you for being the best community we could hope to be a part of.

We are open Wednesday-Saturday as usual this week. Our menu is live on the website now. Here’s a run-down of our opening hours:

Wednesday: 5.30-9.30pm (dinner only)

Thursday – Saturday: 12-3pm (lunch) / 5.30-9.30pm (dinner)

A reminder that this is our last week open for a while. We are off at festivals the weeks of 16th and 23rd August, and will reopen again the week of August 30th. Watch this space for more details.

Before we close our doors, we are extending our Buy One Get One Half Price deal on all our frozen ready meals this week – newsletter subscribers only! This offer will tide you over during our break. Sign up through our website to get your passcode.

Thank you and so much and hope to hear from you – and see you soon.

All our best wishes,

Julie and Yeshi

Opening hours this week:

Weds: 5.30-9.30pm

Thurs – Sat: 12-3pm 5.30-9.30pm

☏ 01865 499318

Did you miss us on Sophie Law’s BBC Radio Oxford breakfast show?
Click here and scroll to 2:48:55 to listen.

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An Outdoor Education

Sun is shining and everyone is crawling out of the shadows. We had a packed house last weekend that spilled out into the restaurant’s large

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Representing Tibet

When there’s a big decision to make in our family or business life, Yeshi often suggests that we seek divination. In Tibet, divination systems have

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The Restaurant is Closed!

We’re away all summer at festivals. The online shop is open but there may be a short delay with dispatch. The restaurant in Oxford will reopen on 06/09/24. Thank you for bearing with us!

We Are Closed!

Our chefs are in Tibet and the restaurant will be closed until 15/05/24. The online shop is open but deliveries will be made after 13/05/24. Thank you for bearing with us and see you soon!