Oxford, WE ARE BACK!
The doors to the restaurant reopen this FRIDAY 6th SEPTEMBER at 5pm. We’ve had a repaint and we’re looking brand spanking, but otherwise you will find us unchanged, the menu spilling out with all your long-lost favourites. Thank you for waiting for us!
Thank you also to all the people we’ve met along the way this summer. Some of you follow us from festival to festival. We see you! You are the reason we make the difficult decision to shut the restaurant doors each year: we miss you during the off season.
But there’s another motive for taking off every summertime. We truly seek to feed as many of you as possible. In Oxford, we cherish the long-standing relationships we have here in our community. Festivals give us the opportunity to take care of even more of you, and in settings less likely. We thrive off getting it right, off the gift that is good grub in the great outdoors.
Thank you isn’t a word that comes naturally to Yeshi. There’s a term for it in Tibetan, but it’s only really used in formal contexts. Between friends and family, treating each other right is a way of life. His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama summarises the concept: “The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of well-being becomes.”
We’re just back from a week in France, where our two chefs, Yeshi and his brother Nyima (pictured), laid on gourmet meals for our extended family on a daily basis. Afterwards they took the many leftovers + dried delicacies from our recent trip to Tibet on a car trip to Switzerland, where they enjoyed a reunion with their cousin Sonam. While relatives in France struggled to have their gratitude heard, Sonam looked quite at ease with his bounty. Tibetan people show their love through the gift of food. Sonam will gift on to others. It’s the way things go.

We are genuinely grateful for all your support for Taste Tibet the restaurant and food stall. We often say that feeding you feeds us – your enthusiasm for what we do absolutely fills our hearts. We feel incredibly fortunate to be able to live a most Tibetan existence so far away from our Himalayan home. Every day we are more and more convinced that taking care of others is the route not only to our own sense of well-being but to harmony for all.
On which sappy note, we cannot wait to see you. This weekend we are open from Friday evening onwards, as follows:
Friday: 5-9.30pm (dinner only)
Saturday and Sunday: 12-3 (lunch) / 5-9.30pm (dinner)
Our menu isn’t quite up on the website yet – watch this space. We’re hoping that lots of you will join us this weekend, so we’re unlikely to run Deliveroo. Just come in and see us! This makes us so happy.
We cannot wait to see you. Thank you from us all –
Julie, Yeshi and the extended TT family x
Opening hours this week:
Fri: 5-9.30pm
Sat / Sun: 12-3pm 🥢 5-9.30pm
☏ 01865 499318
Click here for the Taste Tibet cookbook! (and don’t forget to leave us a quick review) 🙏🏽