Weds - Fri 5-9.30pm 🍴  Sat / Sun 12-3pm / 5-9.30pm

The Tibetan Businessman

Tibetan businessman

When I first met Chef Yeshi he was in the process of selling his business, a market stall in Goa where he had sold jewellery and other hand-made Tibetan artefacts. He gave me a lovely ring from his collection, which I still treasure to this day. He had a really good eye for stuff, and had made a great success of his business, but his brother, who was living in New York, had persuaded him to go back to school to improve his English and gain other useful life skills.

Later, of course, we both moved to the UK. It took a couple of years for the idea of Taste Tibet to form, but once it had lodged in Yeshi’s mind this new business came together with staggering speed. A recce was carried out in Camden Market in London one Saturday in May 2014, followed by recipe testing the following weekend, and two weeks on from the trip to Camden Town he was up and running at the Jericho Street Fair in Oxford with our first stall.

We haven’t stopped since.

I subsequently discovered that Tibetans are natural-born business people. Until recent times almost everyone was engaged in some form of commerce. Tibetan men travelled far and wide conducting business deals while their wives managed the shops back home. Herdsmen would trade meat for salt, which they would sell on for grain. The monasteries were also at it, dispatching representatives to China, Mongolia and elsewhere to purchase cloth, incense and silks, which they sold at a profit to fund restoration work and the other needs of the monasteries.

For centuries Tibetan people exported wool, salt, medicinal herbs, ponies, mules, gold and other minerals, importing cotton, tea, silk, silver, coral, precious stones, sugar, tobacco and soap, to name a few.

Yeshi’s instinct for what, how and where to sell continues to surprise me, but I understand now that it’s something that is in his blood. His grandfather, who travelled frequently between Tibet, India, China and Nepal by horse and mule, passed on amazing stories of this life on the road.

Today the trade routes are not what they once were, but inside Tibet Yeshi’s family members continue to barter their fresh fruit and mushrooms for rice, salt, and so on. Money does not change hands.

Our business here would benefit from such exchanges: if only we could trade momos for massage, chai for childcare… Come to think of it Yeshi has swapped food for acupuncture along the way. Anyone open to any other ideas?

#tastetibet #tibet #trade #business #businessman

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WFH – Tibetan Style

When Yeshi and his brother Nyima arrived home in Tibet one Wednesday morning in April after an absence of 25 and 35 years respectively, a

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Salt, Milk And Some R&R

Yeshi’s recent health scare (thank you all for your concern) has taught us about a medical condition that he had never heard of before, despite

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Losing The Kids

Back in June we quietly celebrated ten years of Taste Tibet. It was just before Glastonbury and we were in the middle of an intense

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The Restaurant is Closed!

We’re away all summer at festivals. The online shop is open but there may be a short delay with dispatch. The restaurant in Oxford will reopen on 06/09/24. Thank you for bearing with us!

We Are Closed!

Our chefs are in Tibet and the restaurant will be closed until 15/05/24. The online shop is open but deliveries will be made after 13/05/24. Thank you for bearing with us and see you soon!