Weds - Fri 5-9.30pm 🍴  Sat / Sun 12-3pm / 5-9.30pm

Representing Tibet

When there’s a big decision to make in our family or business life, Yeshi often suggests that we seek divination. In Tibet, divination systems have been used for thousands of years. They help people to know the past, present and future.

The divination system that is still practised by Tibetan people today was introduced into Tibet in the 8th century as Buddhism took hold. It involves a spiritual practitioner (usually a lama) entering into a visualization practice and invoking the energies or blessings of a deity. Communication with the deity can occur through a variety of mediums such as the fall of dice or pebbles; through the behaviour of birds and animals; by casting astrological charts; or by gazing into mirrors, sacred lakes or the sky, to name just a few.

Last week we were honoured to be taken on a tour of the Silk Road Oasis exhibition at the British Library in London. Our guide was the extremely eminent Frances Wood, a friend and the one-time curator of the library’s Chinese collections.

The exhibition featured Tibetan divination diagrams dating back to 850-900 AD. These diagrams were designed to help determine auspicious and inauspicious travelling days, to assist in marriage matches and, in the case of this frog here, to locate lost items, animals or individuals.

The exhibition also included the earliest surviving historical source on the Tibetan imperial period, a year-by-year account of the activities and movements of the Tibetan court beginning in the year 641 AD. The Tibetan Empire, formed in the seventh century, was once a powerful military force vying for control over the Silk Roads.

For Yeshi, it is rare to see his culture, history and traditions represented in such a high-profile way, and it was deeply moving to be so close at hand to historical manuscripts written in the Tibetan hand, a script that he could still read with clarity.

Inside Tibet, let’s just say that preservation of ancient and historical artefacts has not been the priority of the Chinese, who have overseen Tibetan lands since the 1950s. I won’t elaborate right now because Yeshi and Nyima are currently lining up a trip back to Tibet, and our musings are surely being enjoyed in offices over in Lhasa. More on our travel plans in the next couple of weeks.

Meanwhile we’re still here with the momos. Open all the usual hours this week, as follows:

Weds – Fri: 5-9.30pm (dinner only)
Saturday: 12-3 / 5-9.30pm
Sunday: 12-3 / 5-9pm

This week’s menu is up on the website – check it. Come by for take-away, dine-in or you can order home delivery through Deliveroo.

Our freezers are also packed with all the nutritious meals you don’t have time to make yourselves – come have a forage.

Finally, if you’re in the market for TT discounts and freebies just subscribe to our weekly Substack to receive news and offers direct to your inbox.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Julie and Yeshi

Opening hours this week:
Weds – Fri: 5-9.30pm
Saturday: 12-3pm 🥢 5-9.30pm
Sunday: 12-3pm 🥢 5-9pm
☏ 01865 49931

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We Are Closed!

Our chefs are in Tibet and the restaurant will be closed until 23/04/25. Cookbooks and gift vouchers are available in the online shop. Thank you for bearing with us and see you soon!