Weds - Fri 5-9.30pm 🍴  Sat / Sun 12-3pm / 5-9.30pm

Bugs and Bugbears

Writing from the family sickbed this week. It’s not Covid, but it’s felt like it. A bastard virus that has floored half the family.

Luckily Yeshi has swerved sickness so far, and he’s been taking care of us in the way that he knows best: food is medicine, after all. He’s made us plenty of restorative foods including leek and potato congee (p.135 in the Taste Tibet cookbook), and has literally just come bounding into the room, eyes shining, with another remedial recipe idea. This is his favourite way of looking after us, and I am very grateful.

When we are sick, Taste Tibet cannot function: we are still such a tiny team that there’s just no slack. This is a fact of small business – especially the hospitality business – that most people on the outside do not understand. Even when we’re fit and healthy we can’t be all the things to all the people. In the end we’re only human like the rest of you.

Just last week I jumped out of my chair inside the closed restaurant to chat to a customer who had hoped to have lunch with us. Our opening hours are always kept up-to-date wherever you might think to check, but most people simply assume a 24/7 operation. This customer said that it was the third time she had tried to visit, and “probably the last”. Truth is we cannot be open all the time. We have a family to look after, cats to de-flea and all the other stuff of human existence to deal with alongside. We pride ourselves on excellent service, but we cannot be available to serve you all of the time. 

Having said this, we’re always happy to open doors out of hours if you’re looking for food from our freezers. We are very often in and about Taste Tibet doing admin and other jobs even when we’re not open, so please drop us a line or give us a call if your freezer is empty or we can help you to cater a last-minute dinner party (you’d be surprised how many requests of this nature we receive).

All things going well I’m down to work front of house this Friday night. Come and see me! Most importantly we’re keeping Yeshi fit and strong so that normal hours can resume from tomorrow, Wednesday, as follows:

Wednesday – Friday: 5-9.30pm (dinner only)
Saturday: 12-3 (lunch) / 5-9.30pm (dinner)

This week’s menu is out now – check it! We also have good stocks of everything in our freezers, including momos, so come forage.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Julie and Yeshi

Opening hours this week:
Weds – Fri: 5-9.30pm
Sat: 12-3pm 🥢 5-9.30pm
☏ 01865 499318

If you love our cookbook please click here to review it! Thank you 🙏🏽

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Representing Tibet

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The Restaurant is Closed!

We’re away all summer at festivals. The online shop is open but there may be a short delay with dispatch. The restaurant in Oxford will reopen on 06/09/24. Thank you for bearing with us!

We Are Closed!

Our chefs are in Tibet and the restaurant will be closed until 15/05/24. The online shop is open but deliveries will be made after 13/05/24. Thank you for bearing with us and see you soon!