Thank you SO much to everyone who ate with us at the Christmas Light Festival last weekend. We are always flabbergasted by the support shown to us here in Oxford.
A few months ago, riding high on your enthusiasm and encouragement, we came really close to opening up our own four walls in the centre of this beautiful historic city – until pulling out at the eleventh hour.
We serve big, but we are still a tiny operation. We struggle with staffing, logistics, and understanding the nature of business. We have built an amazing commercial kitchen that has been a real lifesaver for our business, but additional premises in a city as expensive as Oxford feels like a risk too far for the present time.

Yesterday, before setting out to do the weekend’s washing up (picture right gives you a small taste), Chef went out and got himself a much-needed haircut. In Tibet, people traditionally consult the calendar before chopping off their locks: there are auspicious days and inauspicious days for cutting hair. But sometimes you just know when the time is right! For Yeshi is is a lightening of the load, in more than the mere figurative sense. Sometimes the weight of Taste Tibet feels huge on his shoulders.
If anyone out there thinks they can help us – to staff the stall, to make the momos, to lend us the benefit of their experience and know-how in our industry – please do shout! We would love to hear more from those of you who already know and love Taste Tibet, or from someone you know who might be interested in collaborating with us. Your ideas and experience and your injections of enthusiasm are what fuel us, so please keep them coming!
#tastetibet #tibet #tibetan #hair